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More Thoughts On Forexonline forex trading
I have been using USD index and Eur/Gbp (or Gbp/Chf) as my guide dogs since late 70?s with reasonable accuracy for medium-term trend. Never lost money on medium-term bet relying on those guide dogs in fact. But that cross does not work when Pound is deliberately devalued.
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The highly liquid and volatile currency markets offer opportunities for speculators every day. Most speculators tend to focus on the so-called �majors,� which are the most actively traded currencies and include the U.S. dollar, the euro, the Japanese yen, the British pound, the Swiss franc, the Australian dollar and the Canadian dollar.
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Not only is it an accessible, easy and less capital-intensive business opportunity, but it is much more cost efficient too to invest in the Forex market, in terms of both commissions and transaction fees. Generally, commissions for stock trades range from a low of $7.95-$29.95 per trade with on-line brokers to over $100 per trade with traditional brokers. Opposite to that, typically stock commissions are directly related to the level of service offered by the broker. At the high end, traditional brokers offer full access to research, analyst stock recommendations, etc. In contrast, on-line Forex brokers charge significantly lower commission and transaction fees.
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Your Latest Global Forex Trading NewsJapan shares jumpWed, 16 Apr 2008 13:39:27 EDT

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A Comprehensive Forex Broker Register
By Eddie Tobey
A comprehensive forex broker list includes investment banks with dealing rooms, commercial banks with treasury operations, and online brokerages that serve a larger market. The investment banks with forex trading capabilities include Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Salomon Smith Barney, Lehman Brothers, Credit Suisse First Boston, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, Prudential Securities and Bear Sterns.
Some of the brokerage services are not directly accessible for all customers. For example, inter-bank market dealers and treasury operations in commercial banks handle large customer orders themselves.
The top commercial banks in the Forex Broker List, having inter-bank and treasury operations, are JP Morgan Chase Bank, Bank of America, CitiBank, Wachovia Bank, Wells Fargo Bank, Fleet Bank, US Bank, HSBC Bank, Sun Trust Bank, Bank of New York, State Street, Chase Manhattan Bank, Key Bank, Branch Bank, PNC Bank, Lasalle Bank, South Trust Bank, MBNA America Bank, Fifth Third Bank.
The online forex broker list of smaller forex accounts sees new entrants almost on a daily basis.
The online forex broker list includes Forex Capital Markets, MG Financial Group, CMS Forex, Global Forex Trading, GCI Forex Direct, Forex.com, GAIN Capital, Real time Forex SA (Geneva), Global Forex, Commerce Bank and Trust, FX Solutions, Forex MHV, swissDirekt (Swiss), Goetz Financial Forex, NY Broker Borsentermin AG, Act Forex, Online Trader, Shield FX Online Currency Trading, Forex Trade Signals, CMC Group PLC, Foreign Currency Direct Limited (UK), FX Advantage, FXCM, Forex Millenium, ACM REFCO, REFCO Spot, Easy Forex, Online Forex Trading Inc., Lincoln Corporation, Global Trade Waves, Ltd., and CIBC FX Web Dealing. [http://www.e-forexbrokers.com]Forex Broker Info provides detailed information on forex brokers, forex trading and market makers, and other forex-related topics. Forex Broker Info is the sister site of [http://www.e-incorporatinginflorida.com]Incorporating in Florida Web.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eddie_Tobey http://EzineArticles.com/?A-Comprehensive-Forex-Broker-Register&id=68683
Thoughts On Forexcurrency exchange rate
Higher the leverage, the lower the margin requirement thus the greater the potential for losses or profiting form forex trading. The margin percentages can vary from 1 percent to 10 percent. Profiting from forex can be great with low margin requirements when the trades are good but not great when you are wrong.
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The bid/ask spread for EUR/USD should never exceed 3 to 4 pips to improve profiting from Forex trading. For an active trader profiting in Forex with a 2 pip transaction cost is highly preferable.
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If economy and history are to be heeded, the oil prices can't continue to rise indefinitely. Eventually, consumers will bite the bullet and start cutting their demand for oil and gas. When that happens, the price of oil will either stabilize, or start heading back down toward the $40 a gallon that experts predicted it would never hit.
Some Understanding Forex StoriesDollar fell again as Fed made softer comment on US economy.Thu, 26 Oct 2006 17:03:00 GMT
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Where to Get Forex Training
by Jay Moncliff
Some of you may not even know what forex trading is. If you dont know this, you defiantly need some forex training. Forex stands for foreign exchange. Forex trading is basically the exchange of one countries currency for another countries currency. This is done simultaneously in hopes of gaining a profit.
You can get forex training from several different places. The first place you should get forex training from is online. There are many websites that offer free forex training. The forex training these websites offer is both reliable and accurate. The forex training on these websites often offers a free demo account to teach you how to trade without actually using any real money.
A second place to get Forex training is at your local college campus. Forex training courses at college are usually inexpensive and very thorough. The forex training courses offered should also include hands on experience with trading, to help you get the edge. You can also get some books on forex training or research forex training at your local library. The best place to get forex training is from someone who is already involved in forex trading. The forex training these individuals provide will be more realistic for you and give you different aspects of the forex trading game.
The forex training you get should first start with learning how the foreign trade market works. The trade market is always changing, so you need to understand it first. The second part of your forex training should be about risk control. You never want to invest more than you can afford. The right forex training should teach you how to cut your losses and have less risks of failure. Next, your forex training should teach you how to open and manage a forex trading account. But this should be done with a demo account. All forex training should be done this way first, before you try the real thing.
With all of this in mind, you should be able to find some good forex training. Learn the ropes of forex trading and take the time to learn it well. Be sure to try a demo forex trading account before you start a real account. With the right forex training, you will soon be on your way to a profitable way to supplement your income.
Jay Moncliff is the founder of http://www.forex-center.info a blog focusing on the forex training, resources and articles. This site provides detailed information on forex training. For more info visit his site at: forex training
Some Forex Ideasforex currency trading
Japan, on the other hand, imports 99% of its oil. Their reliance on oil imports makes their economy especially sensitive to oil price fluctuations. If oil prices continue to rise, the price of Japanese exports will be forced to rise as well, weakening their position in the world market. Over the past year, there has been a close correlation with rises in oil prices and drops in the value of the yen.
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As you can see many factors have a major influence in the Forex game. Please leave the speculating to the experts unless you trade on the forex as a hobby and don't have a lot of money invested.
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Forex, short for Foreign Exchange, is one of the several markets into which Foreign currencies, stock and assets are traded. Knowing how sensitive these markets are to information and leads, stock brokers and managers are always in search for a source of unbiased reviews, analysis and data, and thus comes FxGround.com, which positions itself as the ultimate place from which operators can get a crash course and quick insight as to what�s happening in the Forex market. The site targets highly proficient traders and beginners alike, by providing a very detailed and useful �School of Pipsology�, where you can learn all the stuff you need to get around in the market and take advantage of a great tool like FxGround.com. In regards to those advanced users I was mentioning, the scope and variety of services they can get from this site is truly impressive, just take look at stuff like the Forex Reviewer Club, where all the site�s registered members review other Forex information tools and sites to determine which the most unbiased, useful alert senders or brokerage firms are. All the community votes affirmatively or negatively on these reviews and thus they come up with a consensual result on the web�s best Forex tools. Other than this, the site provides its users with valuable resources like RSS feeds, latest multimedia news on the market tendencies and a forum, plus an extensive selection of blogs which over financial and forex topics.
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Another way that experienced brokers and traders in the Forex use to forecast the trends is called fundamental analysis. This method is used to forecast the future of price movements based on events that have not taken place yet. This can range from political changes, environmental factors and even natural disasters. Important factors and statistics are used to predict how it will affect supply and demand and the rates of the Forex. Most of the time, this method is not a reliable factor on its own, but is used in conjunction with technical analysis to form opinion about the changes in the Forex market.
Forex Trading Software News From Around The WorldDaily Forex Market Commentary for October 18, 2006Thu, 19 Oct 2006 01:11:00 GMT
Forex Market Commentary for October 18, 2006 GFT Daily Forex Market Commentary by Cornelius Luca
The dollar fell broadly on Tuesday amid a very strong TIC data report, a very strong core PPI and a very weak industrial production...
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