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More Thoughts On Forexforex cargo
Each Forex Trading cycle is different from the last one and that is the beauty of the market. It is extremely important to look at the big picture from the distance rather than studying the minute and hourly charts with a microscope. And repeat the whole show again and again ?til it shows the sign of turning in daily or weekly chart. And flip. Good trades to you.
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When looking at the technical analysis in the Forex, there are three basic principles that are used to make projections. These principles are based on the market action in relation to current events, trends in price movements and past Forex history. When the market action is looked at, everything from supply and demand, current politics and the current state of the market are taken into consideration. It is usually agreed that the actual price of the Forex is a direct reflection of current events.
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One method used in forecasting foreign currency exchange is called technical analysis. This method uses predictions by looking at trends in charts and graphs from past Forex market happenings. This system is based on solid events that have actually taken place in the Forex in the past. Many experience Forex traders and brokers rely on this system because it follows actual trends and can be quite reliable.
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For any prospective traders, hope this is not in anyway a discouragement. Trading is a hard mind game and not everyone is suitable to be engaged in such a hard game. Most have neither frame of mind nor mental fortitude to survive in this hard game. Mastering TAs or numbers or options business are at best a first tentative step into the right direction with no guarantee to any success. Training a right frame of mind is the most difficult but absolutely necessary part for success and most are simply not ready to go through that hard stage of the learning process because it is a very painful process. Trading is essentially about pain-taking-process in the end although most do not realize it. The process of overcoming fear, greed and mastering tranquility of mind in this hard school of speculation.
All The Latest News From The Global Forex Trading WorldBoth banks hold ratesFri, 09 Nov 2007 08:56:57 GMT
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Currency Trading: Understanding the Basics of Currency Trading
Investors and traders around the world are looking to the Forex market as a new speculation opportunity. But, how are transactions conducted in the Forex market? Or, what are the basics of Forex Trading? Before adventuring in the Forex market we need to make sure we understand the basics, otherwise we will find ourselves lost where we less expected. This is what this article is aimed to, to understand the basics of currency trading.
What is traded in the Forex market?
The instrument traded by Forex traders and investors are currency pairs. A currency pair is the exchange rate of one currency over another. The most traded currency pairs are:
GBP/USD: Pound
USD/CAD: Canadian dollar
USD/CHF: Swiss franc
AUD/USD: Aussie
These currency pairs generate up to 85% of the overall volume generated in the Forex market.
So, for instance, if a trader goes long or buys the Euro, she or he is simultaneously buying the EUR and selling the USD. If the same trader goes short or sells the Aussie, she or he is simultaneously selling the AUD and buying the USD.
The first currency of each currency pair is referred as the base currency, while second currency is referred as the counter or quote currency.
Each currency pair is expressed in units of the counter currency needed to get one unit of the base currency.
If the price or quote of the EUR/USD is 1.2545, it means that 1.2545 US dollars are needed to get one EUR.
Bid/Ask Spread
All currency pairs are commonly quoted with a bid and ask price. The bid (always lower than the ask) is the price your broker is willing to buy at, thus the trader should sell at this price. The ask is the price your broker is willing to sell at, thus the trader should buy at this price.
EUR/USD 1.2545/48 or 1.2545/8
The bid price is 1.2545
The ask price is 1.2548
A Pip
A pip is the minimum incremental move a currency pair can make. Pip stands for price interest point. A move in the EUR/USD from 1.2545 to 1.2560 equals 15 pips. And a move in the USD/JPY from 112.05 to 113.10 equals 105 pips.
Margin Trading (leverage)
In contrast with other financial markets where you require the full deposit of the amount traded, in the Forex market you require only a margin deposit. The rest will be granted by your broker.
The leverage provided by some brokers goes up to 400:1. This means that you require only 1/400 or .25% in balance to open a position (plus the floating gains/losses.) Most brokers offer 100:1, where every trader requires 1% in balance to open a position.
The standard lot size in the Forex market is $100,000 USD.
For instance, a trader wants to get long one lot in EUR/USD and he or she is using 100:1 leverage.
To open such position, he or she requires 1% in balance or $1,000 USD.
Of course it is not advisable to open a position with such limited funds in our trading balance. If the trade goes against our trader, the position is to be closed by the broker. This takes us to our next important term.
Margin Call
A margin call occurs when the balance of the trading account falls below the maintenance margin (capital required to open one position, 1% when the leverage used is 100:1, 2% when leverage used is 50:1, and so on.) At this moment, the broker sells off (or buys back in the case of short positions) all your trades, leaving the trader �theoretically� with the maintenance margin.
Most of the time margin calls occur when money management is not properly applied.
How are the mechanics of a Forex trade?
The trader, after an extensive analysis, decides there is a higher probability of the British pound to go up. He or she decides to go long risking 30 pips and having a target (reward) of 60 pips. If the market goes against our trader he/she will lose 30 pips, on the other hand, if the market goes in the intended way, he or she will gain 60 pips. The actual quote for the pound is 1.8524/27, 4 pips spread. Our trader gets long at 1.8530 (ask). By the time the market gets to either our target (called take profit order) or our risk point (called stop loss level) we will have to sell it at the bid price (the price our broker is willing to buy our position back.) In order to make 60 pips, our take profit level should be placed at 1.8590 (bid price.) If our target gets hit, the market ran 64 pips (60 pips plus the 4 pip spread.) If our stop loss level is hit, the market ran 26 (26 pips plus the 4 pip spread equals 30 pips) pips against us.
It's very important to understand every aspect of trading. Start first from the very basic concepts, then move on to more complex issues such as Forex trading systems, trading psychology, trade and risk management, and so on. And make sure you master every single aspect before adventuring in a live trading account.
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Forex Trading represents one of the few ways for people to start with small stakes and build real wealth quickly and represents the ultimate home business.
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The simplest definition of currency trading is the practice of exchanging one country's currency for another country's currency. Basically, currency trading involves four main variables: currencies, exchange rate, time, and interest rate. The interplay of these variables creates opportunities for small investors to obtain investment returns that are generally unheard of in the traditional investment world. It is also referred to as foreign exchange, FX or Forex, but the essence remains the same that currency trading is the exchange of one currency against another.
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Current events and the state of the economy in any given nation is one of the top economic indicators used when analyzing the Forex. Factors such as unemployment numbers, housing statistics and the current state of a country's government can all affect changes in the Forex. When a country is feeling optimisitic about the current state of affairs in their country, prices of the Forex will reflect this. When a nation experiences political unrest, large amounts of unemployed workers and inflation, the rate of the currency will be reflected. Sometimes, this indicator tends to be overlooked, but can serve as an important gauge in the fluctuations of the Forex.
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For the last three decades Foreign Exchange market, - briefly Forex or FX, had integrated into the world's biggest financial market. The volume of daily transactions is about 1-3 trillion of US dollars. The trading instruments on this market are the currencies of different countries, so the fluctuation of currency's rates allows to gain a real profit.
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Today's Forex And Forex Trading News
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Make A Killing Online With This Automated Analytical
Forex Software as seen on CNN
Top Forex Trading Course
by Brian Sater
Just because there is a forex course available does not mean that this forex course will teach you how to trade the forex profitably. Unfortunately, people are paying thousands of dollars for forex seminars, forex courses, and hundreds for forex signals each month and not learning how to profit in the forex market.
The agency that is the guardian of the forex market, the CFTC, requires that anyone who produces a product on trading the forex, place a disclaimer that the forex is risky and promises of profits are unsubstantiated.
Over 95% of first-time forex traders lose their account because they are not ready to trade the forex. The good news is that you can open up a free forex trading account and practice before you invest your money.
It is recommended that the forex trader start with an inexpensive forex e-book and test out the trading methods from the book in their practice demo account before trying the trading method in a live forex account.
Another way to test the particular forex method recommended is to backtest it. You can kill two birds with one stone by going here to sign up for a free demo account and get access to a good set of free forex charts: http://www.cbfx.com/charts/chartsDemo.htm
You can also trade the forex by receiving forex trades by e-mail. Signal companies can charge hundreds monthly for these, but there are free forex signals that can make you money. Again, trade these signals in your demo account before you invest your money. Wealth System Solutions has discovered an inexpensive, profitable signal company whose signals can be auto traded.
Will you make money every month? This is one of the biggest misconceptions,about the forex market that people make. Making money in the forex is not linear. A top forex trading course will make money for you almost every month and in the long run, will give you profits. Many forex traders jump from system to system because they lose money one month only to find that the next forex trading system makes them money, but not every month. The exponential power of the forex will make you money like no other investment. The more money you earn, the more money you will make.
When you are ready to begin trading forex in a live account, many forex brokers will tell you that you can begin in a mini account for only $250. While it is true that you can open a forex account with that amount of money, it really does not give you the leverage to see your trade move up and down and give you profit. I recommend you start trading in a forex mini account with at least a thousand dollars. If you wish to open a regular forex account, it is suggested that you begin with at least ten thousand dollars to minimize your risk. In fact, our forex broker recommends that we deposit at least $2,500 in a mini account or $25,000 in a standard account for our autotrading system.
In summary, look for a forex e-book that is under a hundred dollars. Trade the forex system in your free forex demo account. Backtest it with your free forex charts moving back in time with the charts to see how the trade holds up. Begin with a mini account and watch your forex account grow from there. Dont be discouraged and discard your forex trading system because you have one month where you dont profit. Do rethink your forex trading system if it does not give you profits over the long run.
Brian Sater is a forex consultant and owner of Wealth System Solutions. Tne bank offered me 2.9% if I deposited $50,000. See why I am laughing all the way to the bank earning a net monthly average of 8.4% using a simple, automated system.
Additional Info On Forex Todayforex capital markets
Another reliable economic indicator in the foreign exchange market is the industrial production report. This report shows the fluctuation in productions in industries such as factories, and utilities. The report looks at actual production in relation to what the production capacity potential is over a period of time. When a country is producing at a maximum capacity it positively affects the Forex and is considered ideal conditions for traders.
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FX traders include governments, corporations and fund managers doing business with foreign countries, that need to exchange one currency for another, and speculators who seek to profit from price movements in the markets.
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Always leave the forecasting to the pros unless you are playing the Forex as a hobby and don't have a lot of money invested...Or like most people you will learn the hard way.
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The inability of Cable to accelerate lower in a 3rd wave has us thinking of alternate scenarios. Bigger picture, we have been bearish due to the 5 wave...
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